Thursday, 7 June 2012

2 days til shoot!,

So I'm fasting and have finally got off 60 kgs! God it feels good, people at work are noticing that I'm losing weight, but I think my mum is noticing too, she constantly thinks I'm up to something dodgy!, I'm seriously getting over it!! For the first time in a long time I'm actually not doing anything dodgy, I'm studying hard, working harder, I don't get it?? I'm trying to get my shit on track and she doubts me constantly!, I haven't told her about the shoot yet as I don't want her to stress or judge me! When I had the appointment and told her I would need to pay for my first shoot to build up my portfolio she just criticized me! "of course they want you, you have to pay them" harsh but whatevs, I'll take if in stride like I do all criticism thrown my way! My bf supports me more then my mother does, it's a shit feeling that she won't be sharing in my joy with this shoot but what else can I do? Tell her and not hear the end of it! What a waste of money it is, what a waste of time it is, if I get back in to modeling I'll go down the wrong track, well isn't it my life for a reason?

Stay strong my beauties!
Starve on!

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Hey guys would love to hear from you! If you have any tips, tricks or anything you want to get off your chest let me know!!
All haters comments will be deleted and not read, we don't come into your house and judge you for stuffing you'r face full of food do we?? No so if your not pro ana go eat a cake!! Hahahaha lets starve for a thinner us!

Starve on beauties!! Xxxxx love ya