Monday, 5 March 2012


Ok so yesterday I did well lunch was 3 biscuits (70 cals) and a slice of whole meal bread for dinner (70 cals) So yeah not to bad but not too good either, I've noticed I'm way more tired then usual I know that's coz of lack of nutrition but I'm thinking about quitting my job and take Ana up full time that means there is nothing stopping me from exercising every day all day but I need to be busy all the time on the go! Like when I used to deal some illegal stuff constantly thin constantly energetic never eating I loved it but do u think I could get anything good like that anymore? No way never but maybe that's for the best, I'm weighing myself with clothes on this morning I weighed myself with my shoes on! I feel fat worthless I look at all the people I pass on my way to work how happy they must be coz their thin beautiful I feel so fat I'm discussing I hate looking at myself in the mirror! This would all be easier with someone to tell me not to give up that I'm hideous! I need to be thinner by next weekend as that is my birthday and we are all going out so I need to look my best come on Ana don't fail me now!

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Hey guys would love to hear from you! If you have any tips, tricks or anything you want to get off your chest let me know!!
All haters comments will be deleted and not read, we don't come into your house and judge you for stuffing you'r face full of food do we?? No so if your not pro ana go eat a cake!! Hahahaha lets starve for a thinner us!

Starve on beauties!! Xxxxx love ya