Monday, 12 March 2012


Day 2 of my fast, I'm feeling fucking great!! I jumped in the scales, I liked what I saw I've lost all the binge that I couldn't get rid of from Sunday and nOw I'm more ready then ever to fast, after feeling my hiP bones and collar bones I know this is all worth it! Im having trouble sleeping, (weed isn't actually helping) and stomach keeps applauding me for lasting this long, I'm not sure when I will eat shain, I'll be forced to eat in Saturday (let's hope this will be a one meal night, then on Sunday my actual birthday mum wants to have dinner at her Place, I knew I couldn't get out of this one do I said "Muma, let's do lunch instead, some nice salads, fish and tuna can't go wrong" I think this is agreed on! Oh and am I ever so proud of my bf, at my mums last night, she says, Lara you'r losing weight! Have some dinner with us, before I could even come out with a excuse to get out of it, my bf says to my mum, oh we've both eaten but thank you Lara made pies at home, I was speechless, I said why did you say that and he said,coz I know your fasting and want to lose weight! Oh gosh gotta love when your bf helps you cover up your ED, sorry ladies but I think I've struck gold!! Hahahah, ok about to get my boost juice soon then later after work I'll get my fat ass on the abswing for an hour to work off the boost, I hope everyone is fasting and lasting, let me know how your all going!! Xxx Stay strong and starve on!!


  1. you have struck gold! haha :)

  2. You're lucky. My boyfriend has tried to out me, and when I'm at his parents' place for dinner his mum always forces me to eat more than usual. It is rather frustrating. How tall are you, out of curiosity?

  3. Hello, thank you for your comment. Your bf try's to out you?? Oh hunny, my bf wouldnt dare try that with me, perhaps let your bf know that you don't like to be singled out!! And if it continues you will cut the time you spend at his parents place. Do you have an email I can get you on? Would love to chat more, xxx Mianax


Hey guys would love to hear from you! If you have any tips, tricks or anything you want to get off your chest let me know!!
All haters comments will be deleted and not read, we don't come into your house and judge you for stuffing you'r face full of food do we?? No so if your not pro ana go eat a cake!! Hahahaha lets starve for a thinner us!

Starve on beauties!! Xxxxx love ya