Wednesday, 13 June 2012

3 days since shoot,

Ok guys I'm sorry I haven't written since the shoot, I have just super binged after, well ok this is the damage from just before, the shoot & just after;

Saturday; mum, when are you coming over for lunch? We can watch a movie, (what she's meaning but not saying is when are you going to eat in front of me so I can see your eating!!)
Mianax; Muma, I'll come over on Monday, for lunch, you can make your ginger slice!!, you know I'm dying to try it!! (what I'm meaning but not saying is when I don't have a shoot that is going to show my HIDEOUS FAT body then I can stuff my face! And make the FUCKEN ginger slice I'll choke it down tell you it's amazing then fight back tears with every bite!!!)
So the shoot,
Agent; hold this muffin just in front of your mouth and pose!
Mianax; (this is disgusting!)
After leaving the shoot the bf took me to maccas then explained that now there's no shoot to fast for please eat!
I couldn't bare to hurt him further, so I ate, :'(
Monday; mums house, what do you Want for lunch?? As soon as I walk in the door, so I say you decide, we ate lunch then I choked down her ginger slice, it was good my mum Is a awsome cook!, then Tuesday, no excuses, I just ate! Today I told the boy I'll eat as I'm starting my fast again tomorrow for the whole 28 days, it was so easy at like the 10th day and the 12th I honestly wasn't craving food anymore, I loved it! It was so natural, even eating now it weird, I find myself talking and not realizing I've actually just said what I thought I just said, it's so weird, like when me and the bf were talking about my fasting I told him that it's a life long struggle, the hurt in his eyes was heart braking! Then I sort of just joked it off and changed the subject, well I'm signing off babes, let you know we go tomorrow, xx

Starve on beauties,

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Hey guys would love to hear from you! If you have any tips, tricks or anything you want to get off your chest let me know!!
All haters comments will be deleted and not read, we don't come into your house and judge you for stuffing you'r face full of food do we?? No so if your not pro ana go eat a cake!! Hahahaha lets starve for a thinner us!

Starve on beauties!! Xxxxx love ya