Tuesday 6 March 2012

Fuck you fake pro-ana buddy

I could not be sadder then I am right now!! I have been online looking for a Ana buddy and thought I found one!! Or rather one found me, but after talking to her telling yet another person a part of my life! She starts with "why would you want this?" "if you actually have the illness you wouldn't want this" well to that I say FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU FOR PRETENDING TO BE A PRO-ANA BUDDY! and FUCK YOU FOR MAKING ME THINK YOU COULD ACTUALLY OFFER A LIKE MINDED PERSON SUPPORT RATHER THAN JUDGEMENTG! I hope you feel good about yourself I hope for you, this takes you to recovery but I have no other option then Ana, she gets me! She loves me, she gives me what I need, do to the FAKE pro-Ana buddy that had me going I say good luck and get help you want it, I don't! I DON'T NEED IT! Thin is my lifestyle!


  1. Yeah i feel exacly the same! I feel like those kids of American movies who have to make their own imaginary friend 'cause they can't find the right one.I want some friend who not gonna tell me "oh you look fine,just learn to feel happy in your skin" I want some ana who will starve with me and will reprimand at me when i've eat much. I NEED FRIEND PLEASE FEEL FREE TO WRITE ME dorathenargle@gmail.com xD Sorry for writing this on your blog i'm desperate! I hope we both will find our ana soulmates <3
    ХoХo peace.love.ana
    P.S:Sorry for not that perfect english!


    1. Exactly I hats that! I hats when ppl. Who are supose to suport me are like you look fine. I told my boyfriend about ana and he was like you look fine and keeps trying to get me to eat more. I need support and I'm sorry that happened to you

    2. dying for a buddy to keep me going, says the piggy with a chip in her mouth crying as she writes this.

    3. im 19 and i really need help i have just started and i am so fat please can someone be my pro-ana buddy i dont know what to do or start ive been starving myself for so long but i need some support please email me 20237284@live.blackburn.ac.uk im a female 19 year old who just needs some help so if anyone needs a buddy im here?

    4. if any one needs a pro ana buddy you can message me on kik life_itgoeson or my tumblr is

      you can also message me on there :) i dont judge everyone one goes through things different

  2. I'm so sorry that that happened!! When I finally told my friend about me she acts totally different and constantly gives me disgusted looks, I hate it!! Also, I've been trying to find an ana buddy too. But, if you are still looking for a buddy I can help you.
    My email is: kbug546@gmail.com
    I'm 14 btw

  3. I had the same thing happen to me and fuck me did it shitcme to tears!! Its like y do wanarexics even exist?? They can go die!! True ana followers have accepted ana and love her. Iv never been happier than wat i am now i have handed my mind, body and all that i am over to the beautifying hand of ana. I know i have anorexia and i know im going to die from it but guess wat.... Nothing that anyone say or trys to do about it is gunna change that cuz its my life so fuck off!! Girls if u want somthing bad enough, u will achieve it, u dont need no fake fucking ana buddy or false hope from anywhere, u just need ana herself.

    1. are you still looking for a buddy?

    2. i need an ana buddy :/ sorry for writing this on here, but i really need somone till motivate me feel like i could give up at any minute xxxx

  4. I need one too. A pro ana buddy I would like to text because I am on my phone always and I need the support.

    I am 16 yrs old and female,

    my email is : dynamitehockey@rocketmail.com

    I will give you my contact info when someone emails me!

    1. hey, ill be your buddy!

    2. Are you still looking because I was looking for one as well.

  5. After starving myself all day, I decide to wind it up with some pro Ana thinspiration.I noticed you were frustrated with bring 23 and being surrounded by 14-16 year olds. I'm not exactly 23 but I will be 20 in a few months. I'd love to have a diet buddy. My email is Theshadowskill27@gmail.com. I plan to start the ABC diet tomorrow and would love to hear from you :)

    1. Hey hun it's mianax here, I emailed you, did you get it? I'm starting the ABC diet today ladies, lets get tiny!!

    2. Hey Miana Ex, can you message me? I'm looking for an ana buddy. I'm 21 years old. pinkcorsage21@gmail.com

  6. Hey girl! The proana community I was a part of just got frozen by the internet, I had an ana buddy for over a year but she was from the uk and i'm from canada so we have no way of contacting eachother and I desperately need an ana buddy to keep me on track because my friends have NO control over what they eat and they always say they're "going on a diet" and a day later they fucking buy ice cream...like I need to have someone in my life as motivated as me even if I don't live with them, just to be able to talk cause it's annoying being around people with no self control! What's your email?? I just don't want to post mine on the internet in case any of my friends/fam see. xoxox
    ana love <3

    1. Hey hun,
      Thank you for your message,
      You can get me on mianax89@hotmail.com but I am not from Canada or the US in from Australia but I welcome all Pro-ana buddies (within reason)
      Hope to hear from you soon xxx

  7. Does anyone here have bbm? My pin is 29E1392F and I really need an ana buddy, please!!! <3 I'm 14 and I live in the uk

    1. i do, i've sent you a req, if your still looking for a buddy accept me? i live in the uk too and im 15<3<3

    2. Hey doll, i dont have bbm but im also from the uk and can text? really want an ana buddy too! x

  8. I need a true and real ana buddy. One that will not let me fail will persuade me not to eat.My number is 4145787975. Plz only real buddies text me. And I also need one that can do challenges with me. Plz I need one.

  9. I'm a 19 year old, from NY &I'm looking for an Ana buddy or Mia i don't mind!
    Shoot me an email!!
    it's prcupcake6@aol.com

  10. I need suport too and a good friend who would always be there when I need them. T.T *sigh*

  11. Thin is beauty always will be, I'm looking for an ana buddy(ies) I AM PRO-ana ana is my best friend and always will be we've grown up together and we'll die together <3 if you want to be ana buddies please text me :) (206) 916-8045 my name is mansion btw

    Thin and pretty

  12. I need a uk ana buddy I'm 25 victoriarichards8@hotmail.co.uk
    Actually doesn't have to be uk that's just where I am

  13. I need an Ana buddy. I'm don't know a lot of the tricks and end up binging when ever I feel hungry. I need someone to keep me accountable and to guide me to being thin and beautiful. My email is carliameilia@gmail.com.
    Please help me, I need a buddy...


  14. I just barely started and I needed the back up to feel I was doing the right thing and the same thing happened to me. I need one.

  15. Hey cud do with a ana/mia buddie to be there for support and talking, just sumone who is there in general really. Really trying to get bk in the swing of things. I feel like ive got really big cus of ppl keep nagging at me n following me! Im 23 from uk and my names laural. Email address is Hardy2004_255@hotmail.com if anyone is interested :-) x

  16. Wow Im glad someone had the courage to post something like this! It amazes me how the "fakes" always seam to be up for anything till they realise you are in it fo rthe long hall!

    Hope you find peace soon sweatie! I totally get wheere you are coming from

  17. Ugh I hate when that happens. If you still need an ana buddy im here for you and will do whatever I can to offer support, ill just leave my mail here and if any one needs to mail someone feel free to mail me (no matter how old this post is). my mail is: aksoninnoe@gmail.com

  18. Guess units not just me in the boat to, I need a true Ana buddy who helps. Please feel free to email me @ babysas659@gmail.com

  19. i need a pro ana buddy, i cant stick to the diet and i think someone the talk to could help me? NEED A BUDDY NOW im really good at pro mia though

  20. Will somebody be my Pro Ana Buddy, I'm 16. I weigh 112lbs, My GW is 100lbs by September. I NEED someone to motivate me.. Please xxx Email Me At.. Lisa51351@ovi.com

  21. I need an Ana buddy who has a kik, if so kik me at Snowiegirl! Please!

  22. Hey ladies,
    IM BACK!!
    thanks for all your comments,
    im so happy to be back,
    make sure you guys "follow" this blog that way you can be completely up to date with my NEW FAST commencing soon girls, we can get thin and tiny together!!
    if your interested email me directly and a name you want to be known as if and when I mention you in any blogs to: miana89x@hotmail.com
    I am Mianax and Talk Skinny To Me is my blog and I am interested in knowing who is keen to join this beautiful fast??

    stay tuned for all details XX

    all my love, xx Mianax


Hey guys would love to hear from you! If you have any tips, tricks or anything you want to get off your chest let me know!!
All haters comments will be deleted and not read, we don't come into your house and judge you for stuffing you'r face full of food do we?? No so if your not pro ana go eat a cake!! Hahahaha lets starve for a thinner us!

Starve on beauties!! Xxxxx love ya